Network Learning Pathways

Network Learning Pathways provides support for young people preparing for adulthood. The service is provided by staff with specialist skills and experience.

Our Mission - to provide outstanding learning programmes and quality experiences for young people when mainstream education isn’t quite right or doesn’t work at this point in their lives.  We will ensure these programmes appropriately prepare young people for what they want to do next; maybe school, college, an apprenticeship, or transitioning to social care services.

Our Vision

  • to ensure all young people have the same opportunities
  • to provide safe spaces for learners to thrive
  • to facilitate continuity across education, health, and social care services

Our Values

  • to fully respect learners and parents/carers
  • to work alongside learners as positive facilitators
  • to accept individuality as the norm
  • to be tenacious in overcoming hurdles

 Contact us now on 07917 170654